Allows users to create or choose a new/existing Contact, Customer, and Site upon creating a Quote/Job in one workflow.

Click the Create Quote/Job button at the navigation bar 

1. CONTACT - create or choose an existing contact

1.a For NEW CONTACT, just fill out all of the required fields and it will allow you to create a new record

1.b For EXISTING CONTACT, a contact suggestion will be shown whenever you type in the name of the contact

2. CUSTOMER/SITE - create or choose an existing customer and site

2.a For NEW CUSTOMER, choose whether the customer is an individual or an organization. Then, fill out the Customer Name and the Site address  

2.b For EXISTING CUSTOMER, once you click the suggested contact from the previous page, you will be able to choose from the linked Customer records

A prompt will then be shown for you to create or choose an EXISTING SITE.

3. QUOTE / JOB - create a new quote/job and fill out all of the necessary fields such as quote/job name, summary, notes, etc.

Create QUOTE:

Create JOB:

4. SUMMARY - this will show you the summary of the previous pages

4.a Create QUOTE - once you click on Create Quote, the quote will be created in the system

4.b Create JOB - once the Schedule button is clicked, you will be prompted to the Job Scheduler page wherein you can drag and drop the job/task that was just created

Job Scheduler's page: