This article covers new feature updates, fixes, and refinements to Fieldmagic. 

Please pay special attention to the **Important Releases below. 



1. Telephony Integration 

  • This feature is available for Fieldmagic Enterprise subscription only and accessible to admin and desktop users. 

Set it up on the admin settings under Customer Service > Ominichannel Settings. ( 

 Then enter the URL of your Amazon Connect account. 

An omnichannel icon (Phone) should be available at the top menu once saved and enabled.

Click the Phone icon and you will be redirected to Amazon Connect log-in page.

Once saved and enabled, you can easily access the omnichannel (phone and chat) through the phone icon on the top menu.

Enable your microphone on your browser and make the status on the dialer is set to "Available" so the calls and chats can come through


  • Inbound call handling with agents and skills matching (via AWS connect interface)

Sample Incoming Call (unsaved number)

Once the inbound call is accepted, Fieldmagic will check if the number is already existing in your records, if no existing record is found, it will display options to create a record for the caller/number (contact, jobs, quotes). This is the same with the Chat function, the only difference with Chat is that Fieldmagic checks if there is an existing record using the name (Contact Name) of the customer on chat.

  • Ability to see contact details, recent quotes and jobs

Once the new contact is created is linked to a customer and site/s, it will display all the related jobs, and quotes. 

  • Ability to easily create quotes, and jobs.

  • Ability to log the call as an activity against the contact/ob/quote

  • Outbound call functionality - click to dial (click the Number pad option on the Omnichannel)

  • Live chat for website and portal.

Just like with inbound calls, if the contact name on the omnichannel chat doesn't exist in your records yet, it will display options to create a contact, quotes, and jobs.

Otherwise, if the contact name is already existing in your records, it will display the contact details along with all the associated records such as sites, customers and recent activities.


  • The Amazon Connect site itself should have its permission for the microphone to be enabled, which we can safely assume is already the case if the user already used that account on the machine, otherwise, there should be a prompt to allow microphone access.

  • The support page lists the following:

    • Contact Roles, Customer and Site - Selected icon for the Customer or Site is displayed to specify which Quotes and Jobs it has, which can be easily changed by selecting the desired Customer or Site

    • Open Quotes - List of Open Quotes, redirects page to the record view of the record

    • Open Jobs - List of Open Quotes, redirects page to the record view of the record

    • Recent Activities - List of Activities of the Contact record

2. Contact Roles 

        This feature can be accessed on Desktop and Mobile

  • The role field is now a multi-select field. This will enable the users the ability to select multiple roles for a certain record
  • Once a record is selected for a role, that record will be removed from the dropdown option.
  • Ability to select a primary role when multiple roles are applied


3. Mass Delete Functionality 

    Accessible on the admin page paired with a recycle bin.

  • Allows users to filter multiple modules to be deleted.

  • It is paired with a recycle bin to allow users to restore selected modules



  • Fixed app crashing in the checklist while using the phone camera

  • The ability to link an asset when the asset is linked via materials allocation is now working as expected.

  • Asset Attributes are now shown when editing an asset. 

  • When creating a new asset, the site field can now be filled.

  • The signup issue on the mobile app is now fixed.


  • Fixed duplicating checklists when sending an invoice to the client and users can now attach selected checklists.

  • Sorting on listview via due date is now working.

  • Asset Checklist PDF is now included in the email attachment of the Customer Invoice via email.

  • The expiry date value field is now empty in the following:

  • Customer Record > Create Recurring job Widget

  • Site Record > Create Recurring job Widget

  • Recurring Job Module > Add from the list view

  • Customers will now be able to receive the correct job scheduled date and time if they are in a different timezone. Configure the timezone on admin settings to match the user's local timezone.

  • Added a warning message when the job status is being changed to 'Cancelled'.

  • The address key now has the data of the auto-populated site when creating a quote under a job.

  • Job summary will now inherit Quote summary when converting quotes without quote versions.

  • A user can now assign a different user to newly created tasks.

  • Fixed the ability to send an SMS when the user is an Office user.

  • Auto refresh in the widget list view is now working, you will now see newly created customer invoices from the Customers, Sites, and Jobs modules.

Mobile and Desktop

  • In the mobile app, users can now create a job against an asset upon searching in the "Search for Asset" option, the job will automatically display the Customer name linked to the asset and the site address where the asset is located. The job created in the mobile app will also be displayed on the desktop. 

Click the hammer icon to create a job for the selected asset.

Now you can navigate the job you just created against the selected asset.

On the desktop view, the job created from the mobile app will be displayed as scheduled.

And the asset linked to it.