This article covers new feature updates, fixes, and refinements to Fieldmagic. 

Please pay special attention to the **Important Releases below. 


  • FC-2945 – Email Templates with existing attachments will now append the attachments in the current email.
  • **FC-2561 -   Added work order items when creating a recurring job to be able to set work order items once converted into jobs.

Line items will be created on the job and flow onto the invoice for routine parts used on your recurring job: 


  • FC-3224 – Fixed sending customer invoice PDF through Email from the Customer Invoice widget from Customer, Site and Job Module.
  • FC-3364 – Fixed task not created after converting a Leads to a Job.
  • FC-3130 - Job Custom location new workflow
  • When a user edits the Job and changes the “Site”, it should also copy the Site Address to the Job Address (Custom Location) if no "Custom Location" is set.
  • If the Site Address is changed (From the Site Module), it should also update the job address custom location if the custom location is "Off".
    Please note that it only updates "Open Jobs" of status: 
    • Awaiting Scheduling
    • Scheduled
    • Pending


  • **FC-1053 - Added a "Profitability Analysis" button to the jobs module.

Access Job Profitability View:

Click "Update analysis" to refresh the current metrics on the job:

Actual vs Estimated Profit Metrics are visible on this report as below: 

Job Profitability is Updated and is visible in your list of jobs: 


Accounting Integration

  • FC-3049 – Xero Integration: created a field called ‘Reference’ in the recurring invoice and customer invoice which syncs across to the Reference field in Xero.
  • FC-3362 – QuickBook Desktop – Apply pagination support.
  • FC-3380 – QuickBook Online – Apply pagination support