This article covers new feature updates, fixes, and refinements to Fieldmagic. 

Please pay special attention to the **Important Releases below. 

Desktop Updates

  • FC-2841 – Added Navigation button on Record View.

  • FC-2424 – Refinements and issue fixes in the Job Scheduler (Calendar).
    • Fixed duplicate tasks getting duplicated again.
    • Business/24 hours now switches in real-time. The hours not included in the Business Hours are now being greyed out when the Business Hours option is selected.
    • Time Indicators now coloured black.
    • Added “Estimated Duration” on the calendar’s tasks list.
    • Changed “Job Due Date” date format of the task calendar from “mm/dd/yyyy” to “dd/mm/yyyy”.
    • Fixed event actions dialog to no longer stretch the Duplicate and Cancel Schedule Buttons. 

  • Upon hovering on the scheduled task, the "Department" field is now displaying the correct value:

  • FC-2449 – Create Recurring Job screen enhancement.

  • There is a new Job Tasks Tab on the creation of recurring jobs, which allows multiple different tasks to be defined for new recurring jobs. 
  • This contains now the Asset Type, Asset Group, Checklist, Department, Technician and Task Descriptions Field.
  • **The user can now allow multiple Asset Types to be serviced on a recurring job. 
  • Asset from the Sites will be transferred to the Job once generate based on the Asset Types indicated on the Job Task.
  • If Asset group is selected. It will only get the related asset from the Site based on the Asset Type and Asset Group
  • Each Line item will create a see[arate Job Task under the parent Job after the job is generated.
  • When asset type is selected, it will initially display the checklist based on the asset type but still be able to search other checklists (Asset/Job) not related to the Asset Type by typing it.
  • Checklists have a maximum of “5” checklists per line item but can also be able to select another checklist on the next line item. Please note that if you select again the same checklist indicated on the other line item, it will still be added as 1 checklist after generating a job.
  • Departments, Technicians and Task Descriptions will be transferred to job task details.

  • **FC-3094 – Applied Search Improvements on the Record List view.

What's New in Search: 

  • Changed the list view searching for each module.

  • Able to search a record from the list view based on all the module fields (Including custom fields):

  • Able to save and clear the current filter searched:

  • Still retains the current filter when you change the module unless it was cleared by the user (clear button). 
  • The current saved filter will be removed/deleted to introduced the new searching flow.
  • Sorting options are also changed and applied/displayed only  Number, Date and checkbox data type fields (Including custom fields).
  • You can create your own searching filter combination using the module fields and able to save it.
  • FC-3172 – Quote modules (Quote Versions) are now supported by the Document Builder. 
  • FC-3184 – Fixed error when downloading or importing a record with a module that contains a “URL” custom field.
  • FC-1092 – Set the Task Status to “In Progress” when the time entry is created from the desktop.
  • FC-2525 – Fixed default fields for Date\Datetime custom fields not populating after conversion (Leads, quotes, jobs).
  • FC-2573 – Added “Profit” display in the Quote Screen to show the current Profit based on Unit-Cost Pricing:

  • **FC-3186 – Added technician field in the Duplicate Task dialogue so that the user can choose which technician the duplicate task should be assigned.

  • FC-3015 – When the participants have unsubscribed. The email address is still saved in the archived mail list.
  • FC-3156 – The “Preview Template” is changed now into “Checklist Name” when generating a Checklist PDF.
  • FC-3157 – Removed the “--” when the image date on the checklist pdf is not displaying.
  • FC-3165 – Fixed Asset report formatting issues:
    • It should be in black font color
    • Blank columns should display as “--”

Customer Portal

  • FC-3200 – Portal Access is only now available on the Enterprise Plan. 
  • FC-3164 – Portal Changes:
  • Apply a loading animation upon entering email in login, similar to after entering the password
  • The Dashboard items should be clickable, redirecting to the module and applying the filter
  • Change the icon and name of the user, (right alignment/move to the right)
  • Change the label, Upcoming Tasks to Upcoming Jobs
  • For no results, place it in a table instead of just the text


Mobile App

  • FC-2424 – Fixed issue on Time Entries when the time entry has the first 5 minutes or less e.g 1H5M the computation to decimal seems incorrect, it displays 1.8 instead of 1.08.
  • FC-3194 – Fixed scheduled task is being pushed in the current time when the task schedule is ahead of the current time and the assigned technician started the timer in the mobile app.
  • FC-3100 – Fixed Assigned To (Create Task) from the mobile app if selecting another user.
  • FC-3101 – Fixed the app freezes and continues to load when mistakenly swipe right (From the Task List).
  • FC-2836 – Fixed unable to create a new asset since the required “Status” dropdown values is not displayed when first accessed.
  • FC-3187 – Fixed issue on asset checklist not completing but the related assets are completed.
  • FC-2312 – Added side menu option to find any task by searching by the job number and the ability to assign this job to themselves.


Accounting Integration

  • FC-3182 – Reckon Hosted – Fixed customer and sites not being imported.
  • FC-3198 – Reckon Hosted – includes all the item types when importing.
  • FC-3122 – Quickbooks Desktop - Disconnect Inactive Users in QBD.
  • FC-3193 – Sassu – Include account types of Cost of Goods to be imported.