This article covers new feature updates, fixes, and refinements to Fieldmagic. 

Please pay special attention to the **Important Releases below. 

Desktop Updates

  • **FC-2730 –  Renamed “Opportunities” to “Quotes”,  Renamed “Quotes” to “Quote Versions” and also added Quote widget on the Job to show related quote of a job and ability to create a new quote.

  • FC-2547 – Fixed the remaining issue with the importing of contact roles, using default custom roles in opps/quote and primary contact set.
  • FC-2638 – Asset Number attribute now accepts decimal values.
  • FC-2959 – Modified Asset Type list view to not able to delete an Asset Type if there is a Checklist already linked to it.
    FC-2994 – Fixed "No Users Found!" message prompt always displaying when accessing the “Setting” even if the system has users.
  • FC-3070 – Fixed manage user list view to not return an error when viewing next navigation page. 
  • FC-3082 – Added System Tab on Contact and Site Module Record View.
  • FC-3133 - In Configure System Settings, Customer/Supplier/Site Numbers with values of 10000 and above are truncated.
  • **FC-3543 – Quote enhancements:
  • The total amount of the primary quote version is now inherited on the "Quote Amount" field.
  • The amount of the quote version is inherited based on the primary quote version selected.

  • On conversion to job, the primary quote version is set in the "Quote Conversion" field. Also, the value of the Quote Version Summary field of the selected quote version is inherited on the "Job Summary" field.
  • When duplicating the primary quote version, the resulting quote version is not set also as the primary.
  • Added an ability to have an option to remove the primary setting of a quote version.
  • If there is no primary quote version set, the "Quote Amount" is editable.
  • Editing the amount in the Quote is not allowed as well when the Primary Quote has been set.

  • FC-2551 – Added refresh button in the Activity Widget. Users can click this to view any new/recently added activities they have just added instead of refreshed the page: 

  • FC-2624 – The Sales Account Code, Sale Tax Code, Purchase Account Code and Purchase Tax Code are now retaining the existing value when updating the items imported template without these columns.
  • FC-1663 – When updating or changing a subscription to the Starter Plan, it now automatically changes the mobile user type to mobile lite.
  • **FC-2553 – Added Covert PO to Supplier Invoice flow so a PO can easily be converted into a Supplier Invoice:


  • FC-2577 – Fixed unable to search (Global Search) for a customer invoice after converting it from a generated recurring invoice.
  • FC-2592 – Fixed Job Task not displaying 500  error anymore when the task is generated from the recurring job, added a due date then save.
  • FC-2632 - When entering a new line in TextAreas fields in FM, this is now using the same format when syncing back to the accounting system to retain these line breaks. 
  • FC-2942 -   Fixed supplier invoice creation when there is only 1 purchase order which is not linked a supplier invoice.

PDF Updates

  • FC-3105 – Fixed Checklist PDF not rendering/failed to review if the checklist prompts value contains a “%” value.
  • FC-3134 – Fixed Asset Attribute Fields not displaying in the Compact Asset Report PDF (Checklist PDF).