This article covers new feature updates, fixes, and refinements to Fieldmagic. 

Please pay special attention to the **Important Releases below. 

Desktop Updates

  • **FC-3021 – Added pagination to the recurring job and recurring invoice generation screens. 

  • **FC-3028 – Fixed date completed field now automatically populating when all the job tasks are completed. 

  • FC-3038 – Fixed Recurring invoices dropdowns to be able to display/search all the records. 
  • **FC-3023 – Updates in Task display in the calendar (“City” is replaced by “Address” field)


Mobile Updates

  • FC-3044 – Fixed Tasklist to display to display more than 20 records assigned to a technician at once.
  • FC-3019 – Fixed checklist dropdown selection only displaying 10 checklist records. 
  • FC-3020 – Fixed “All Open Task” filter in the Mobile App. 
  • FC-3052 – The “Updated At” field in the Time entries are now populating once saved.

**Ability to create a new job from your mobile:

Navigate to the Side Bar


Enter in Details and Click Save

Job is Created!