This article covers new feature updates, fixes and refinements to Fieldmagic. 

Please pay special attention to the **Important Releases below. 

Desktop Fixes and Updates

  • FC-1818: Fixed line items for "Time and Material" not displaying in the PDF Preview from the "Create invoice View" on a Job. 
  • FC-1800: Fixed quote line items automatically being deleted when a Group is removed.
  • FC-1788: Fixed  'Reason for Lost'  field to display only when an Opportunity is set to the stage is 'Closed Lost'.
  • FC-1773: Changed the setting of Default Product for accounting sync in the "Configure System Settings" from Text field to a Dropdown Field to select the default product. 
  • FC-1767: Fixed "Invalid Parameter" error message when saving an Asset Type with Attributes.
  • FC-1755: When creating a customer invoice for "Time and Material" type jobs, it now automatically checks the option 'Show Labour Details' and 'Show Material Details' in the create invoice screen by default.  
  • FC-1743: The Job Summary will set the Task name when creating a new  Job with "simple job" as the Job type.
  • FC-1740: Add department at the item level and when a task or material is created from a quote using those items, and inherit that department to the task. 
  • FC-1739: Changes in Invoicing layout when the Job Type is  "Flexible Invoicing".
  • FC-1725: Fixed the elastic search to allow searchable of demo data and Date Created from public API.
  • FC-1722: Fixed asset group field not displaying in the asset from the Job.
  • FC-1691: Refinements to Phone Numbers including automatic spacing. 
  • FC-1640: Fixed field entry required prompt in the Asset/Job Checklist has a current value, it's now counted as an answered prompt.
  • FC-1620: Fixed failing of creation of time entry in the desktop against a task.
  • FC-1557: Fixed asset navigation button when the number of assets is more than 10.
  • FC-1524: Fixed department dropdown to be sorted alphabetically now. 
  • **FC-1484: Added red asterisk on the label of all required fields.

  • FC-1795: The Department fields will now default to "No Department" until a department is selected. 
  • FC-1952: Fixed errors related to new Chrome Browser Version Update (80.0)
  • FC-1936: Fixed "Related To"  Tab in Activities module to display the related module.
  • FC-1925: Fixed Recurring Job and  Recurring Invoicing list view to display the record after creating.
  • FC-1845: Fixed editing of values of an asset record not saving the changes made on the fields.
  • FC-1807: Fixed editing of the department from Manage Department to not display a 400 error message anymore.
  • FC-1805: Fixed department dropdown to display the new department added.
  • FC-1751: Fixed the status of the asset to be changed to "Not Tested" when a related asset checklist is deleted.
  • **FC-1661: There is now a Currency setting in the configure system settings area which allows you to set the system-wide currency for your organisation:

  • FC-1441: Added name search to the following list views: Lead, Customer, Contact and Product Catalogue:

Search Lead First Name and Last Name in List View:

Search Customer Name in List View:

Search Contact First Name and Last Name in List View:

Search Product Name in Product Catalogue in Settings Area:

PDF Fixes and Updates

  • FC-1797: Fixed PDF preview in the Add and Edit  Quote Screen to be able to Preview Quote PDF.
  • FC-1817: Checklist PDF Preview and Downloading changes.
    • **Setting the name of the "Checklist" showing on the top of the PDF report to be the "Checklist Name" e.g. If your checklist is named 'Take 5' this will now be displayed prominently on your checklist report instead of the previous text 'Checklist'. 

  • **Rename the Checklist PDF filename into "Job Number - Checklist name" i.e. 55673 - Fire Extinguisher Checklist.
  • **Changed the Checklist Filename when downloading a checklist PDF from a "Preview" that contains 1 or more checklist to  "Job number - first checklist name, 2nd checklist name"
  • **FC-1721: Fixed the PO Field value to display correctly in a Customer Invoice PDF.

Mobile Fixes and Updates   

  • FC-1815: Fixed task due date displayed in the Task List view in the mobile app to display the correct date when scheduled it < 8 am.
  • FC-1598: Fixed issues when adding an Asset in the Mobile App to inherit the Asset Type expected. 
  • FC-1727: Fixed displaying of records more than 10 in the Files, Material and Time Entry list view.
  • FC-1826: Fixed completed tasks on the mobile app to sort by the most recent date first.
  • FC-1944: Fixed searching for Products or Materials to not display all the products from all organisations.
  • **FC-1917: Fixed time entry date selection to be able to select a previous date from the mobile app.
  • **FC-1914: Fixed Task filters in the mobile app to display tasks based on the period selected from system settings ie Show Tasks Scheduled 7 days, 14 days and more into the future to users.

  • FC-1878: Fixed asset checklist attributes prompts for a newly added asset to be able to answer those prompts.
  • FC-1560: When we send an invite to a mobile user, there is now included links to the mobile app to install.
  • FC-1856: Fixed delete products to not display any more in the Product or Material list.
  • FC-1768: Fixed date selector in the Add Asset in the mobile app to be able to select a wide range of dates.
  • **FC-1764: Added start and end time on the mobile app task list and detail:

  • **FC-1572: If the Asset has no checklist on the Job, a user can long-press on the asset now to attach service photos of the asset in addition to marking the asset as passed or failed: